Finder Chart Generator

For example, 2023-1-SCI-042
For example, Miller
For example, NGC 42
Angle between 0° and 360° (0h and 24h), as a float in degrees or in a format which AstroPy can parse
Angle between -90° and +90°, as a float in degrees or in a format which AstroPy can parse
Angle between 0° and 360° (0h and 24h), as a float in degrees or in a format which AstroPy can parse
Angle between -90° and +90°, as a float in degrees or in a format which AstroPy can parse
Angle between -180° and +180°, as a float in degrees or in a format which AstroPy can parse
Angle between 0.5 and 5 arcseconds, as a float in arcseconds or in a format which AstroPy can parse
For example, 2023-1-SCI-042
For example, Miller
For example, NGC 42
Choose a mask file generated by one of SALT's MOS mask tools.
For example, 2023-1-SCI-042
For example, Miller
For example, NGC 42
Angle between 0° and 360° (0h and 24h), as a float in degrees or in a format which AstroPy can parse
Angle between -90° and +90°, as a float in degrees or in a format which AstroPy can parse
Angle between -180° and +180°, as a float in degrees or in a format which AstroPy can parse
For example, 2023-1-SCI-042
For example, Miller
For example, NGC 42
Angle between 0° and 360° (0h and 24h), as a float in degrees or in a format which AstroPy can parse
Angle between -90° and +90°, as a float in degrees or in a format which AstroPy can parse
Angle between 0° and 360° (0h and 24h), as a float in degrees or in a format which AstroPy can parse
Angle between -90° and +90°, as a float in degrees or in a format which AstroPy can parse
Angle between 54 and 165 arcseconds, as a float in arcseconds or in a format which AstroPy can parse
Angle between -180° and +180°, as a float in degrees or in a format which AstroPy can parse
For example, 2023-1-SCI-042
For example, Miller
For example, NGC 42
Angle between 0° and 360° (0h and 24h), as a float in degrees or in a format which AstroPy can parse
Angle between -90° and +90°, as a float in degrees or in a format which AstroPy can parse
Angle between -180° and +180°, as a float in degrees or in a format which AstroPy can parse
For example, 2023-1-SCI-042
For example, Miller
For example, NGC 42
Angle between 0° and 360° (0h and 24h), as a float in degrees or in a format which AstroPy can parse
Angle between -90° and +90°, as a float in degrees or in a format which AstroPy can parse
Angle between -180° and +180°, as a float in degrees or in a format which AstroPy can parse
Choose the image server to use for generating the background image
Choose a custom FITS file to use as the background image